Join Ryan Crowe, Research Geologist at the Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center in Flagstaff.
Sunday, January 12, 2025 2:00 in the Branigar/Chase Discovery Center Auditorium No charge for MNA Members. Non-members pay Museum general admission. Kids 9 and younger are free. Take a look at The U.S. Geological Survey’s long and interesting history of geologic mapping in the Grand Canyon region. Crowe will share the story of retired geologist George Billingsley and his comprehensive work that resulted in more than seventy geologic maps spanning northern Arizona and southern Utah, as well as highlight the work in which a new team of geologic mappers is currently doing. New technology is allowing for a more complete understanding of the Grand Canyon region’s geologic evolution. Crowe’s presentation will share the current fieldwork and studies that the Flagstaff USGS office is doing to reveal new information on Grand Canyon’s lava dams, its uplift history, and most recently the timing of the Colorado River’s integration to the sea. Ryan Crow is a Research Geologist at the Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center, in Flagstaff, Arizona. He did his graduate work at the University of New Mexico, where he studied the tectonic geomorphology of the Grand Canyon. Coming to the USGS in 2014 as a Mendenhall Postdoc, he focused on the landscape evolution of the lower Colorado River corridor and the Colorado River.